The next two weeks are all about 'Pond Life.'
Week One targets are:
Week Two targets are:
You can find a printable copy of this week's lesson plan here:
Week One targets are:
- Yy
- 8
- Circle
- Questions of the Day:
- What do ducks eat? (plants, fish, fish eggs, amphibians, crawfish, insects)
- What do turtles eat? (plants and fruit, insects and larvae, dead or injured fish, crawfish, snails and worms)
- What is a baby frog called?
- What color starts with the Y sound? (say the sound rather than the name)
Week Two targets are:
- Ff
- 9
- Oval
- Questions of the Day:
- What would you like to see at a pond?
- What would you like to catch or touch at a pond?
- Have you ever eaten fish? Did you like it?
- Would you rather walk on water like a strider? Or fly like a dragonfly?
- What would you like to see at a pond?
You can find a printable copy of this week's lesson plan here:
Morning Discussion: Pond creature 'Guess Who' - how many pond creatures can you name? Sing and fingerplay 5 Little Ducks.
Morning Discussion: Storytime Video 'Hop Jump'
Morning Discussion: Sing and fingerplay 5 Little Tadpoles.
Morning Discussion: Sing and fingerplay 5 Little Tadpoles.
Morning Discussion: What kinds of things can you do slowly like a snail? Where might you see a snail?
Morning Discussion: What things have claws? Do you know what a crawfish is? Name and clap different body parts together like claws (ie. feet, hands, fingers, arms, knees).
Morning Discussion: Where can you find fish? Can you show me with your hands how fish swim? Sing 'The Plants Underwater' song.
Morning Discussion: What bugs and insects might you see at a pond? (striders, mosquitos, dragonflies)